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23 years old. Pursuing Public Policy and Global Affairs in School Of Social Sciences at Nanyang Technological University. Thank you for the taking the time to visit and read some of my posts. I hope that you will be able to take away some insights and perspectives on various topics discussed within my space at the end of the day. I will continue to pen down my thoughts as it has always been my pleasure to do so. Any feedback are warmly welcome and can be reached me through the contact form.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Journey To Officership: Week 3 | Weapons and NAVEX

First week in Bravo Wing. 

It was entirely a culture and regimentation shock for me when I stepped into Bravo wing. Indeed, I did felt a drastic change in the environment and the way things are conducted.

As part of an official start to service term, we had a change of command (COC) parade to officially welcome the cadet appointment holders. Basically, they are the ones whom will lead and run the show for the next 3 weeks. 

There comes my IPPT test 2 in bravo wing. I did a total of 48 push-ups, 50 sit ups and a timing of 10:39 for my 2.4 km run. The outcome was rather disappointing. I was faulted a few times for my push-ups. In the end, I have gotten silver for my IPPT. Here comes my remedial training (RT) on Saturday. I wonder how physically exerting will the RT get. It seems like I'm still not fit enough to get away!

Remember that I mentioned about how much love I have for navigation? Yes! I'm finally entering the forests to do my solo navigation for the day and night! I would say that one must be careful of the terrain as it isn't a flat ground. It's full of fallen dead leaves and branches as well as big roots with elevated ground at some portions. I fell quite a few times due to carelessness. I did fairly well for the day! The night was the more challenging one as the visibility was constrained and you tend to take smaller steps to avoid falling down. In short, navigation is awesome la! Haha.

Yeah, I'm officially learning my first weapon: Section Assault Weapon (SAW), aside from SAR 21, It was an interesting one and is far more complex than SAR 21. You can go full burst with the weapon unlike SAR 21.  At the same time, many people have warned how SAW is prone to negligent discharge (ND) if not handled carefully. Technical Handling Test (THT) and theory test were conducted before we went for our live firing the next day!

Yup! The live firing was an awesome experience la! You really got to try the power and speed that SAW has to offer you. I had a great time although I missed all my bullets on the target. HAHA. I guess the bobo legacy still stays in me.

- Adventurous weeks ahead

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