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23 years old. Pursuing Public Policy and Global Affairs in School Of Social Sciences at Nanyang Technological University. Thank you for the taking the time to visit and read some of my posts. I hope that you will be able to take away some insights and perspectives on various topics discussed within my space at the end of the day. I will continue to pen down my thoughts as it has always been my pleasure to do so. Any feedback are warmly welcome and can be reached me through the contact form.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Chinese phrase in English

If you look after yourself, you look after the family, you are loyal to the emperor, the country will succeed.

So the first thing to do for a man, is to look after yourself and be a gentleman.

Humans have changed with time.

Monday, October 14, 2013

That is life.

Sometimes when you go through a period of great difficulty and struggle. Have you ever wondered why? 

Perhaps, life wants you to finally realize what you do NOT want in your life. 

Then finally, at long last, you can embrace and pursue what you DO want.