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23 years old. Pursuing Public Policy and Global Affairs in School Of Social Sciences at Nanyang Technological University. Thank you for the taking the time to visit and read some of my posts. I hope that you will be able to take away some insights and perspectives on various topics discussed within my space at the end of the day. I will continue to pen down my thoughts as it has always been my pleasure to do so. Any feedback are warmly welcome and can be reached me through the contact form.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Blank Space

This afternoon I found myself 
staring at a blank screen

Yes, I am certain that the blank screen was not as a result of electrical failure.

Truth to be told, I had the intention to write an article this afternoon but my mind was blank.

Then, you might be wondering, why am I still writing one right now?

I am writing to reveal the hard truths behind the engineering of an article.


Before I get to there, I figured out that some questions can be answered along the way

Why was it so difficult to have ideas to write at times?

What was the motivation behind my writings?

Why have I chosen to write?

Before I continue to write, I would also like to address the massive irony in myself. 

Remember that in the beginning, I mentioned that I was staring at a computer which displays a blank screen because I was clueless on what to write. 

Amid from all the blankness I experienced, there came an idea out of nowhere and I am writing now.

As you continue to read on, you may also start to feel that I am trying so hard to continue it.

Fred not, I will certainly be able to continue writing on and hopefully, what I have to offer will not bore you.

Here's why I was able to continue writing,

The few discoveries I made from this afternoon's encounter was that you definitely have to find the joy in what you write, the great sense of purpose and finally, convince to immerse yourself into taking the trouble to write it. All of these are crucial.

More often than not, to my belief, most of the successful articles do not start off at unmotivated states of mind. You write because you would find that this message is worth your time to write and others time to read it. No one except yourself will be able to convince you that this will be all worthwhile. Henceforth, I have made my own decision - and that is, it is worthwhile. It's never too late to find the confidence in yourself and the conviction in your words. Because what you attempt to put across will be perceived slightly differently by different people. 

It is no doubt, alarming to realise that you have no ways or judgement on what is worth sharing. I was in a state of panic when I did not know what was worth writing. In my opinion, when you cannot figure it out, it may seem that you have disconnected from your audience or fail to view things from another angle. I know it may sound ridiculous but I will help to fill in the missing piece in this puzzle - If had your focus was in the audience who mattered to you, finding a topic would certainly not be a problem. You will be fully aware of their interests and needs, topics ideas abound. Therefore, in all honesty, I did feel distant from my audience recently because of commitments in the army and family. But no worries, I am catching up with the social media feeds. So moving on, how exactly not being able to view things in another angle has got to do with this? The observation was apparent, from not having any absolute idea on what to write to writing this article out of nowhere - proven that had I not able to see things differently, there will be no such post today. All I had to do was to view my problem in a different light and figure out that how many people in this world have been affected by the same issue as I faced, and I solve it by giving advices.

Aside from determining if it's worthwhile to write, it is a widely-known fact that popular and successful posts usually are the ones that the majority of the public can connect with. It is difficult not to fall into the trap of pleasing your audience so that the traffic hits an all-time high record. While that may be the motivation behind your articles, it is crucial not to lose yourself in the process. You write because you feel that your message will impact positively on the public, not because you want to improve the traffic of your blog so you begin to write awful contents to become infamous. Henceforth, you should strike a balance because you also would not want to write things where people can't connect with. 

Finally, why have I chosen writing an article on a Saturday's afternoon? You may probably wonder, I could have gone out to catch a movie or indulge myself with the actions I missed out in the on-going The International 6 tournament. But today, I made a choice to find time to stay connected you all, my friends. If you have read it this far, I hope my choice to write has made a slightest positive impact on your lives. 

Good day!