This is a fictional story which revolves around a man named Alan. When he was only four years old, his biological parents left him. Alan was adopted by several foster families. Once, he was abused by one of the foster cares and had to be sent to the hospital for treatment. At that point of treatment, he was twelve years old, and the hospital has subsequently arranged a new foster care for him. Thereafter, Alan was skeptical about his life and trusted no one.
When he arrived at his new foster care’s house, he wanted to make sure that his departure from it was the soonest. He threw tantrums, messed up the houseware, and disobeyed basic instructions. He continued doing this for years. But he realized that nothing of these worked and decided to do something worse. He borrowed his friend’s car and drove without a license, joined the triads, and robbed money from people. Up to this point, he was fifteen years old.
One day, he was arrested and thrown into the jail. His foster parents were utterly disappointed but bailed him out and said to him, “We need to talk.” Alan sat down with his foster parents to have a proper conversation for the first time. “Alan, we may not be your biological parents but when we decided to take you in; it was a lifetime responsibility for us. But, now, comes the time that we either control your life or allow you to continue with what you want to do. The former is not a very popular choice but the latter is definitely an impossible choice.” Then, Alan thought to himself, “Hmph! What sort of cheesy words are these to say to a sixteen years old boy?”
But Alan was touched by the reality; he could feel that someone meant what they said for the first time. Having grown up in an environment denied of parents’ love and constantly attempting to fill this empty vessel construed by the way he has perceived life seemed all foolish at this moment. And he broke down into tears. His foster parents continued, “Alan, we have never seen you as a problem but instead we see you as an opportunity.” Alan found it simply unbelievable that his foster parents never seen him as what he was on the surface – a troublemaker, the ungrateful kid, and the obnoxious kid …
Now, the moral of this short story strives to encapsulate the importance of family love through the lens of statistics. Statistically, Alan might have either ended up dying in the jail or contributing to a list of heinous crimes committed. But the foster parents' perpetual love and belief in him, saved him. Thus, one should always think twice about their actions and words, for they might save someone.
Be that someone to make a difference in peoples’ lives.
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