"Wait, what? Is there really such a myth? Cmon, we are a couple, can't you just share it with me already?" weeped Rigel. "Okay, why not let's have it this way, you shall promise to tell me if I win you in a race to that tree first!"
"You do remember that I was a sprinter back in secondary school right? Don't you? Alright, I have one request though! That is, if you beat me in the race, I will need you to answer my question first and depending on your answer, I will, then, consider whether if I want to let you know, one final time!" Capella replied.
"How is that even fair!" grumbled Rigel.
"Oh, to begin with, you do know that I don't even have to tell you, so looks like the deal is off." sassed Capella.
"Wait, wait, okay, Capella! Fine ... I was just kidding." fretted Rigel.
The couple stood up on the nicely trimmed grassland with light soothing winds that accompanied them throughout that night. Rigel's fate in finding out what Capella has wished was all dependent on this race. And he was also aware that there remained one final challenge: Capella's question.
"Capella, will you, if, don't mind drop me a hint on what you are going to ask me before we begin our race? So, I could think about it as I sprint later on" Rigel asked.
"Hahaha, are you being serious, Rigel? Capella cackled. "How long does it even take for you to sprint to that tree? Cmon, can you have a little more confidence in yourself? I'll ask you once you beat me in reaching the tree first, alright?"
"But what if I lose, and what if, I will never get to find out the question and your wish?" stammered Rigel.
"Then, that's how it's going to be! And I have faith in you!" Capella replied.
The couple proceeded to tie their shoelaces and also created their own imaginary start line. Finally, they were finished with the preparations. But Rigel looked lost.
"Hey Rigel! Hey! Rigel?!" Capella yelled.
"Um, huh, Yes ... Yes! Yes, Capella?" squealed Rigel.
"Are you okay? You look really sad! Are you really worried about losing the race against me?" questioned Capella. "At least give it a try, alright? And let's sing our favorite song's rhythm as we count down from 5 to ensure that we start at the same time!"
"Yeah, who says so! I'm fine. Okay! Sure! Hahaha" Rigel replied.
"Five to the Four, Three-and-a-two, and one, and zero" sang Rigel and Capella.
Off, they ran! As expected, Capella was leading the race. But, shortly later, things took a turn for the better for Rigel but for the worst for Capella.
"Eeek! Ouch, my feet! Rigel!" groaned Capella. "They are numbed! I'm in pain!"
"Capella! What happened!" Rigel panted. "Let's stop the race!"What started out as a race, has become a demonstration of love and concern for each other. Rigel piggybacked Capella for the remaining distance towards the tree.
"Rigel, go and touch the tree first." comforted Capella.
"Huh?! We are still racing?" wondered Rigel.
"Yes, Rigel, we are." Capella affirmed.Rigel touched the tree as told.
"Are you ready for the question?" questioned Capella.
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