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23 years old. Pursuing Public Policy and Global Affairs in School Of Social Sciences at Nanyang Technological University. Thank you for the taking the time to visit and read some of my posts. I hope that you will be able to take away some insights and perspectives on various topics discussed within my space at the end of the day. I will continue to pen down my thoughts as it has always been my pleasure to do so. Any feedback are warmly welcome and can be reached me through the contact form.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Society - The inevitable divisions & the problem

Society can be easily defined as people coming together and living in a country/environment harmoniously, accepting, however, large or small their differences may be. The differences have always posed as the biggest hurdle or challenge for any society up to present. The universal solution as to how to solve these differences is familiar with many, I believe, the word, "Accept."

How exactly divisive is it in our society? 

I believe the "bell curve - the mean & two extreme ends" can perfectly illustrate what is "something" that is inevitable in every society. The "something" is intangible, and in other words, known as division. I will be sharing on some factors and examples on what ways are our society being divided.

I will not include factors such as race, religion and so on. However, factors which can be measurably comparable between one and another, such as wealth, level of IQ, level of creativeness, speaking capabilities will be the factors that I will be sharing in this post. 

The bell curve.

Even before I show the image of the bell curve, I believe many of you are already fully aware of this constantly occurring phenomenon of how a society is being divided. 
So having seen how divisive a society is naturally shaped to be - what are your initial or later reactions to it? 

  • The difference in IQ appears to be a challenge for anyone in the schooling years...

In school, you will always have that one person who has higher IQ than an average person does. And he/she is capable of scoring full marks or distinctions for all subjects. That person is bound to disappear in your life. You will always see him/her in some part of your life. When you hear of it happening or meet someone like him/her; you will go like ...

  • Some would be upset over the traits of what they do not have and others may have - unnecessarily creating a negative outlook on their own lives. 

  • I feel that this tinge of sadness or suffering is redundant. Because again, if you and someone were to have similar traits, you wouldn't feel special. No one likes to be the same,  it is our human instinct to feel that way. 

  • We all have friends that always owns the latest gadgets and lives in expensive bungalows. They are wealthy. Another inevitable division in the society. And when you get to learn about all these from your friends .... I believe this is your immediate reaction in your heart or mind secretly. 

  • We all have one or two friends that that can speak excellently, fluently, and exercises confidence with conviction. 

"Even from my sickbed, even if you are going to lower me to the grave and I feel that something is going wrong, I will GET UP!!!"

  • Not to mention, the people of incredible creativity mindset and attributes that have helped to grew a country's economy greatly and changed the tides in markets extraordinarily. These people are of importance in the entrepreneur sector as they are not afraid of taking risk, and sees that failure as natural and necessary for success. 

Note: They are not afraid of falling over a chair and they will pick themselves up and start afresh till they are successful in jumping over a chair.

  • You will always have friends that are very good in mathematics, they can do perfect mental problems in their brains, including square roots and to the power of 100000. These are the people you will need when you go for shopping for grocery or camp stuffs. 

  • In your social circle, there will always be a friend which has excellent sociable characteristics. They get along with anyone very well and easily. They are the Mr/Ms popular in the crowd. But, most of the time, they suffer poor memory problems. 

Disclaimer: Most of the time, it happens to people who socializes for the sake of socializing, and have no means to be friends for the future. 

  • You will also have friends whom are extremely athletic and pro-active in sports.  

Source                                                                                                             Source

The main point that I want to bring across is that apart from the obvious differences like religious, races and ethnic differences which may cause social problems between people - there are also many other measurable factors which I have illustrated above can lead to the same outcome too.

For instance, some people may not get along well with people who are smarter than them as they may feel inferior or feared to be looked down upon.

Some may be upset over the fact that others had the trait that they had always wanted and they may get jealous over it. 

Some may not feel as comfortable as when they hang out with extroverts or people of sociable characteristics. 

There might also be frictions created between people that are very and not-so athletically inclined when they play together in a match. Since athletes would treat a match game much more seriously.

These differences come into effect when some people have more of a certain trait and some people have less of the same trait. But I believe the solution for such social problems remains the same - Accepting the differences and embracing it.

However, on the good side, differences can be good too. 

For example, friends who are wealthier than others, can help those that are less well off by not hurting their pride. Another will be people of better entrepreneur mindsets can come forward to set up businesses and boost the economy. Lastly, friends that can do fast and quick mental sums - I believe you would want them along when you're doing shopping. They can help to save seconds from the calculations you have to do yourself. 

Apart from just the people doing their part by accepting the differences in people. I think it will be appreciated and good to note that the government has also played a part over the years to realize and overcome the differences in people. Meritocracy, is no doubt, the viable solution to an inevitable division in a society (if not it would have escalated to even more social problems). It gives equal opportunities for everyone regardless of race or social status to do their best, which has helped to ensure our peace and stability in Singapore. 

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