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23 years old. Pursuing Public Policy and Global Affairs in School Of Social Sciences at Nanyang Technological University. Thank you for the taking the time to visit and read some of my posts. I hope that you will be able to take away some insights and perspectives on various topics discussed within my space at the end of the day. I will continue to pen down my thoughts as it has always been my pleasure to do so. Any feedback are warmly welcome and can be reached me through the contact form.

Friday, April 4, 2014

7 Ways To Figure Out What You Want In Life

Life is full of mysteries and lessons that are waiting for us to unveil as we explore the various options that are available to us. Often, we are afraid of where this option or route will bring us to or what will be its outcome. As a result, we have become more hesitant, more wary and more fearful when it comes to selecting which option can really do us the best. We will never be definite on which option will do us good and making us feel comfortable in life, but it is possible to figure out the chances of how good the option is going to be for you.

Today, I’ll be sharing 7 ways on how you can find out what best suits you in life. 

         1.          Find out what you really need in life

Ask yourself, what are the things required in order to make you feel happy? Always remember that your happiness holds a great significance to your loved ones and for your own mental wellbeing. Next important question to ask yourself – are these things going to matter to you in the near future? These things may include love, financial security or family. Once you have the answers to these questions, you will have a better perspective or feel of which option will grant you a fulfilling and happier life.

         2.          Think of where you will be in 5 years’ time

This is a very important question to ask yourself. It’s going to be easier and more realistic to picture your life 5 years into the future than compared to 10 years.  If you are still studying 5 years later then probably you can start thinking what field of study and where you want to go for your further studies. If you can’t picture what you are going to do in the next 5 years – think of what kind of skills you will like to develop and what is your ultimate goal or passion in life? These questions will help to decide on which direction you should best take. 

         3.            Decide on what really bothers you

It’s time that you spend effort to understand yourself. Only from here, then will you make the best decision for yourself in life. What are the things that you hate? What are the things you can’t live without?  You can list down these things and they will serve as reminders or indicators for you to decide on the direction to take. From here, you will be set to go in the path that is quite unlikely to take away your happiness. 

         4.      Talk to someone that is reliable & you trust.

We can be really lost when we are left on our own at times. When this happens, confine to someone your concerns and thoughts and hear what the other party has to say. This person can be any of your family members, your best friend or your teacher. Consider whether their advices are relevant to you and make the final decision on your own. Since no one can make better decisions for you other than yourself.  

          5.     Consider your dream in life

I believe everyone has a dream to pursue. No dream is too big or too small, and this dream of yours shall be the proudest moment in your life when you achieve it. Just remember whenever you are clueless or lost on what to do next, think and consider your dream. Because sub-consciously you will be planning step by step on how you are going to achieve it. And I believe you will have a plan that best suits your own life. 

          6.     Find out the things you truly enjoy doing

Never place yourself in a situation where you have to force yourself to do something. Many of us have experienced how it is like to be when we are forced to study subjects that we hated in primary and secondary school years. We did not have a choice back then. So what I am trying to say is that find something that really interests you and as well as, it wouldn’t bore you even if you have to do it for long hours. In other words, find your passion in life. Give your best in it. Only then you will have a more satisfying and fulfilling life journey.  

         7.      Get a hobby

Starting on a hobby can allow you to realize what really suits you and to discover some unique points about yourself. Just try out different hobbies from time to time to see what really suits you. This may make you to re-evaluate your priorities set previously.  You will be probably making time out for your favorite hobby.  As Marian Schembari once said, “you can't discover what you want to do with your life if you don't take advantage of everything life has to offer”. 

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