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23 years old. Pursuing Public Policy and Global Affairs in School Of Social Sciences at Nanyang Technological University. Thank you for the taking the time to visit and read some of my posts. I hope that you will be able to take away some insights and perspectives on various topics discussed within my space at the end of the day. I will continue to pen down my thoughts as it has always been my pleasure to do so. Any feedback are warmly welcome and can be reached me through the contact form.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

7 Ways To Fake An Outgoing & Friendly Personality

I know it can be really difficult to open up or be seen as an outgoing and friendly person on occasions such as orientation programs, bonding activities, functions or social gatherings. You may appear to be shy & quiet, but there's nothing wrong about it. Not everyone is a natural born extrovert. In fact, I believe I am born towards more to the introvert side – are you surprised? Friends who know me when I was really young will know about this.  

Here are 7 ways on how you can fake an outgoing & friendly personality. I believe some of it which I am going to mention are already familiar with you all; but I'll be elaborating more to convince you to try it out. Because it has worked for myself on several occasions. 

          1.       Remember to smile

I believe this is familiar with most of you. Always remember to give your truest smile to others. This is especially important during your encounter with new people. Your smile will show that you’re friendly and approachable.  Moreover, you will be seen as a confident person. Believe me in that by smiling - people will be real quick to approach you to be friends with them. As often quoted, “Your smile is the biggest asset to anyone”, so do not be afraid to smile always! 

          2.       Say the magical word, “Hello!”

Personally, I find this difficult at times too, since having mentioned that I was born towards more the introvert side. However, I must say this is actually really easy! I know it does not come naturally to you to speak to someone first & also probably you’re waiting for the other party to make the first move. In that case, the atmosphere may get really awkward. So why not try to make the first move? You just have to force yourself to do it. Believe me; it’s not as hard as you think it would be.

          3.       Laugh along with everyone

Everyone has a different frequency to start with. We all know that. You may not find a particular joke funny at all. But the rest are all laughing from it. Be it you consider yourself more mature than them or their jokes are lame, if you want to appear outgoing & friendly – then you have to join in the laughter! Trust me that once you have tried laughing along with the rest, there is a high chance you would find it funny as well. Just try to loosen yourself up & the remaining times will be quite enjoyable! It's really true. 

          4.       Be in the moment

This will not be easy for people who are born towards more the introvert side. More often than not, they will be dreading to quickly go home to watch their favorite shows or to read a book. The tendency of them to not be engaged or focused in the occasion itself is quite high. But that’s just them. If they like to be seen as an outgoing and friendly person, try to be in the moment. I have learnt from this point my friend & it works really well! You will truly enjoy yourself. Others will also get the impression that you are well received & easy to talk to. 

          5.        Put yourself out there

Go for the extra mile! You can start telling jokes or share stories with some people. Do not worry so much that others may judge you for it. The point here is that you interact with others so you are seen as part of the group setting. It's not going to be easy for someone who is not naturally outgoing & friendly but it will really help someone to look like a extrovert. 

          6.        Be the “Mr/Ms Ok” guy

Be the person to be okay with anything, so long it is not against your morale or making you feeling uncomfortable. After all, it is just a day or maybe a few days event. Try to be easy-going with everyone. You will make your life & the life of everyone easier! People will also have an impression that you are nice & friendly. 

          7.         Give yourself a prep talk or reminder

Before you go into a situation where you have to fake being outgoing and friendly, give yourself a prep talk or reminder that you can do it. This will help to increase in your confidence level before you go and meet people. Also, think of it as only a few hours or days of interactions & it will pass by very quickly.  Be sure to remind yourself of the reasons why people would love you. I believe that the positivity in you will help to make things a whole lot easier.

If you think this post has been helpful to you, share the post! Spread the joy!  :) 

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