Difficult moments are just part and parcel of our lives
which everyone has to go through from time to time. There is no running away
from it. No one likes it when it happens to them. However, we should not be too
disheartened about it. As Matthew Henry once said, “After a storm comes the calm”.
I got to admit that I am really guilty of seeking motivation
quotes when times are hard for me. Simply because when everything is wrong, the quotes tend to lose its meaning and purpose for me. Nevertheless,
these quotes indeed do have a meaningful and purposeful message to be sent across to you and it does
helps to ease your hard times to a certain extent.
Today, I’ll be sharing 10 motivational quotes with everyone
and hope that you will find it meaningful.
Accept Your
You can say that hardship is a test to figure out our own limits. Every struggle in life makes us realize our own strengths and
weaknesses. And it carries multiple lessons to be learnt at the end of it. We
should strengthen our strengths and improve upon on our weaknesses. Don’t be
afraid to deal with hardships because tough times are only temporary yet the
valuable lessons in there to be learnt will stay permanent in our heart. It is a good exchange.
about your past
The simplest way that I can convince you to forget about
your past is that life is neither created nor meant to be travelled backwards. The
past is definitely worth remembering, but not when it takes up your energy and
happiness away. The only things that you should remember from your past are the
lessons that were once learnt.
Always hope for the better
We should hold on to the hopes that everything will be
better eventually. It is just a matter of time. As Matthew Henry once said, “After
a storm comes the calm”. Our hopes are often crushed because many things do not
appear to be in our favor, but things won't stay the way it is forever. We must not give up in critical moments.
Keep moving forward
You wonder why some of your friends have left you without
any spoken reasons. And you are all set to seek for logical explanations. Their
departure has made your life bitter and tough. I hope this quote will be of help to you in times like this. Just leave it to fate sometimes.
At least
you have identified your true friends
Hardships have at least provided you with true friends.
After all, friendship isn’t about whom you have known the longest but it’s
about who came and never left your side. These are the friends that you have got to treasure and love for your entire
life time.
allow yourself to be one of the many Obstacles
No matter how bad things or situations are, you can always
make it worse. Don’t think of the negative things which will only worsen the
situation you’re in. Instead, think of the positive things so that it will give you the strength required to overcome your struggles and to carry on in life.
never the end
It’s definitely not the-end when times are tough. No matter
how rough the storm may be, there is always a little piece of you that says, “NO,
you’re not done yet! Get back up!” Always remember, tough situations don’t last
but tough people do! Stay strong!
forward looking
There are many things to look
forward to and to be treasured in life. Never allow yourself to stay in the
stormy situations for a too long duration because you may be missing many
beautiful things that are happening around you all the time. Step out of the
stormy weather and see what is in store for you.
It nurtures you to be a better person
See that hardships make us understand life better through a bitter
way. No matter how much hatred we have for difficult times, we should always remember
the lessons learnt at the end of it because it makes us become better people.
Love the life you live
Spend your time doing your favorite hobby, with your friends
or anything else that will make you feel happy. Be positive and look at what
life has got to offer you. No matter how dim things might be, there is always a
light at the end of a tunnel. Occupy your mind with the good and learn to love the life
you’re living.
That's all I have got to share with you! Hope that you will find it meaningful. Share the post. Spread the joy! :)